Monday, April 6, 2015

Different Tone Passages

“$27.98! $27.98!” I yelled excitedly, almost giddy, nearly jumping with joy. This had been the most money I had obtained in years. $27.98. That would be enough for food, drink, maybe even a new pair of socks of a jacket if I’m lucky at the thrift shop down the street from the bus stop i usually stay at. New York gets cold in the winter time. Cold enough to hurt your throat by just saying thank you to a kind stranger giving you their spare change. Cold enough to keep you awake in the night when all you want in sleep, all you want is a bed and a shelter, but you stay awake thinking, remembering a time when it was warmer. Cold enough to freeze your fingers together that you put them in your hole filled and nearly decade old pants to dethaw. Christmas time makes people in the city so generous lately. Giving gifts, giving money, making food, making presents, spreading love, spending time together, spending a lot of money, enjoying good food and drink, receiving presents. The people of the city, the generous ones, give me anything from their unfinished pizza to their spare change. It warms my heart when they give me such generous things. $27.98 could keep me living for at least a month. I had never been happier to receive this gracious donation.

“$27.98” I said as I looked down into my cup. “That’s it? I am homeless, living in a freezing, disgusting city full of selfish and stuck up people. Does he think $27.98 will buy me a house? Buy me enough food to not die of starvation? Buy me enough drinks to not die of thirst? Buy me clothes so I don’t die of frost bite? Its Christmas, its New York, its freezing. Look at me! Living on the street, hungry, cold, thirsty, and, frankly, dying”. I scream this out loud as civilians pass by, staring at me. I bet they wonder what its like to be in my position. “It sucks! This isn’t fair. You people live in your homes, sipping Champagne and eating ginger bread while I stay out here dying. Its cold, isn’t it! Yeah it may be cold for you right now, but you will walk to your heated Cadillacs or your heated homes. Guess what? I NEVER LEAVE HERE! I am out here every day, every house, every minutes, every second. I stay here. Look outside your window at 6:09 am, 9:57 am, again at 12:33 pm, then at 5:18 pm, later at 9:40 pm, and right before you crawl into your bed at 11:22. I will be here every time!” I scream bitterly. “Give me more! Give me more!” This world is selfish, ignorant, arrogant. I wish I could just die already.

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